Census SE&I

This contract shall be a vehicle for the Government to obtain a Contractor to provide systems architecture, engineering, development and integration services at the ‘program” level. The contract shall provide management, supervision, and labor and shall plan, schedule coordinate and assure effective performance. 



Contract Name

US Census Bureau’s Multi-tiered Acquisition Framework for Systems Engineering and Integration- Program Tier

Contract Number


Contract Scope

Program Tier includes providing systems engineering and integration support for the USCB’s established Program Lifecycle phases of Concept Development, Program Definition, Program Development, Program Execution, and Program Operations & Disposal. Support services and associated program-level work products would include: establishing and aligning technical requirements to mission-level business capability
requirements; establishing business and technical architectures; developing workload demand and performance models; end-to-end integration test planning, management and evaluation; technical transition planning from legacy to modernized systems; information security, and verifying and validating engineering and integration work and work products within and across Projects. 

Web Link

For more information check the Census Bureau’s website

Period of Performance

September 15, 2015 to September 20, 2022

Key Benefits

The SE&I Contract offers best in class service as well improve the success of delivered solutions, ensure consistency in the acquisition and delivery of services, allow for agile, flexible and fast procurement, promote cost efficiencies and reduce redundancies, promote knowledge sharing and lesson learned.